Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adobe Reader how do i change font size of letters in full screen?

Hey i need help on adobe reader. In full screen how do i change the font size of the letters because i want to read in full screen but the letters are to small... so anyway if theres anyway i can fix that could you please tell me, thanks.Adobe Reader how do i change font size of letters in full screen?
ya .. u can either press ctrl and + simultaneously or u can press ctrl and simultaneously scroll the mouse wheel .. middle button of mouse i mean .....Adobe Reader how do i change font size of letters in full screen?
Adobe Reader is very limited.. mainly used for reading and without control over changing font styles etc.. you may want to use Adobe Acrobat Pro with Enfocus Pitstop plug-in to gain control over different editing tools.. if you don't have 'em yet, you may try zooming in (ctrl+) to have a bigger view..
actually the font size in adobe reader does not increases .if you have any problem in reading the letters then you can just zoom the document.there is a lens displayed on the men just select it and increase its value to higher percentage according to your choice.


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