Monday, June 6, 2011

This is dealing with Myspace: How can I change the size of the text that I type in my profile?

This question is for those who know a lot about the codes for Myspace. I already know how to change font color and how to bold, italicize, etc. I just wnat to know how to change the font size that you are typing in and maybe even other types of codes. Much love!%26lt;3This is dealing with Myspace: How can I change the size of the text that I type in my profile?
There are many ways to do this, but since this is your own typed text (and not pre-generated profile text), you can surround the text with HTML and an inline style.

The HTML you use can be one of many, such as %26lt;font%26gt;, %26lt;span%26gt;, %26lt;div%26gt;, %26lt;p%26gt;, or even %26lt;b%26gt;, %26lt;i%26gt;, %26lt;s%26gt;, etc. Any text-altering HTML tag. Though, in this case I think I'll explain using the %26lt;font%26gt; tag. Here is an example of what it should look like, say, in your About Me section:

%26lt;font style=';font-family: FONT; font-size: SIZE; font-weight: WEIGHT; font-style: STYLE; font-variant: VARIANT; color: COLOR; text-decoration: DECORATION; text-transform: CASE; text-align: ALIGNMENT; letter-spacing: SPACING; line-height: HEIGHT;';%26gt;YOUR ABOUT ME TEXT GOES HERE%26lt;/font%26gt;

Obviously, all of these attributes aren't necessary. But, in case you ever decide to use them, here are the explanations:

FONT - this can be any font you so choose, but it's wise to choose a common font that you can be somewhat sure everyone will be able to see. Courier, Comic Sans, Tahoma, Verdana, Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, etc are all common fonts. You can specify more than one font separating them with a comma. This way, in case the first choice doesn't load, there is a backup - rather than the browser having to pick one itself and potentially causing your layout to look like crap to other users. There are also generic font-names you can use as a last resort. An example of the proper use of this attribute is:

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

SIZE - to specify the size of your font, you can use simple keywords such as:

font-size: big


font-size: small

But, it's more beneficial to use a numeric measurement. However, it's important to know the difference between different units of measurement, such as points (pt), pixels (px) and ems (em).

points are generally used to size text for printing, not to be viewed on-screen. ems are a percentage of the size of the parent element. For screen viewing, it's best to use pixels. 14 pixels is about regular size, so the code would be something like:

font-size: 14px;

WEIGHT - this is the weight of the text. Most often, you will only use this if you plan to make the text bold. Or, if you are attempting to make pre-generated bold text unbold. Therefore, the only real setting is:

font-weight: bold;

However, you can also specify weight using numeric values between 100 and 900 in increments of 100. For example:

font-weight: 300;

Though, in some browsers, there will be little to no difference between different values.

STYLE - the only real value here is 'italic'. You can also use 'oblique', but it's basically the same thing. The difference between italic and oblique takes a bit to explain, but I'll try to shorten it. Basically, italic text means that the font you're using has also been drawn (as a separate font entry) to be slanted. Oblique simply causes the browser to draw the font slanted regardless of whether or not there is an italic entry for that font.

So, say for example you have a font called 'swish' which has no italicized sub-font. When you use that font in your code and attempt to use font-style: italic; - the text will not italicize. However, if you use font-style: oblique; - the browser will slant the text making it look italic anyway.

Just like bold text, the only other reason to use this would be in a stylesheet if you were attempting to de-italicize (?) pre-generated italic text. In that case, you'd use font-style: normal;

VARIANT - there is only one entry for font-variant, and that is small-caps. This causes capital letters to remain capitalized, but lower-case letters to capitalize, yet stay smaller. Funny sounding, but it can give a cool looking effect with some fonts. Though, it doesn't work with all fonts. Or course the whole entry of 'normal' for pre-generated small-capsed text applies. I should mention before someone corrects me that there is another entry for these and other attributes, which is 'inherit' - meaning that the element in question inherits the properties of it's parent element. This is not necessarily important for you to know - but may come in handy if you ever need it.

COLOR - I'm assuming you know that you can use color keywords such as 'blue' or 'red' or 'green' to specify a font color (or a color for any element). But, you gain more control over the color by using either RGB or hexadecimal notation.

RGB can be specified using decimal notation or percentages. Hexadecimal is specified using hex code.

Before I go further, I should explain that RGB is Red Green Blue. The first set of values represents red, the second blue, and the third green. Therefore, the code:

color: rgb(255,0,0);

is red, and

color: rgb(100%,0,0);

is red, and

color: #FF0000; or

color: #F00;

is also red.

This can get extremely long-winded to explain in detail, so I'll just assume you already know how to do this. If not, post back and I'll explain in detail. But, for now, you should know a couple of things:

1. On any regular webpage, to use hexadecimal notation you have to precede the entry with an octothorp (#). However, myspace filters this and replaces it with two periods. Therefore, myspace is one of (if not the only one) very few sites where using hex notation without the pound sign will work. Basically, on myspace, do not precede your hex color code with an octothorp (#)

2. Using all zeroes creates black, all FFs or 100%s or 255s creates white. And, all of the same entry in between makes different shades of gray.

DECORATION - this is the attribute you use to set underline, overline, or strikethrough on your text. You can also use underline overline - which will do both.

CASE - use this code to transform text from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.

ALIGNMENT - the alignment of the text. Entries include 'left' (default), 'center', 'right', and 'justify'.

SPACING - the space between the letters

HEIGHT - the space between lines of text

Here is an example of a font code:

%26lt;font style=';font-family: Times New Roman, Trebuchet, serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; color: #9AB; text-decoration: strikethrough; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: justify; letter-spacing: 5px; line-height: 20px;';%26gt;TEXT GOES HERE%26lt;/font%26gt;

If you think you'd like to keep this kind of thing a bit more organized, you can replace all of that 'inline styling' with a class name. Generally for just one element, you would use an ID name instead - but, once again, IDs are filtered by myspace and hence don't work. Rather than type all of that out above into your 'About Me' section, you can type something like:

%26lt;font class=';about_me';%26gt;ABOUT ME TEXT HERE%26lt;/font%26gt;

Or you can use any name for the class attribute you wish, such as ';about'; or ';holyfreakingcrap';, whatever.

Then, add the same attributes mentioned above into your stylesheet (if you have one). If not, you would add this either to the 'About Me' section, or really any other section in your profile as long as that section is visible on your profile page.

%26lt;style type=';text/css';%26gt;

.about_me {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

font-weight: bold;

font-style: italic;

font-variant; small-caps;

color: RBG(0,0,255);

text-decoration: underline overline;

text-transform: upper-case;

text-align: center;

letter-spacing: 25px;

line-height: 50px;



There are other attributes that can be added to the style tag, as well - but that's not important here.

Hope this was informative enough without putting you to sleep, as this is the proper way to do things. Good luck.This is dealing with Myspace: How can I change the size of the text that I type in my profile?
So you would type in font size=';5';%26gt;My font/text here%26lt;/font%26gt; Now where this code says 5 you could put any # from 1-10. 1 being the smallest 10 being the largest. I learned this from a website which link is below. This will show you exactly what sizes 1-10 look like.鈥?/a>

Hope this helped!!

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